Our template engine only supports fonts that are installed on our servers. Therefore, using fonts that are not supported will result in a default font being used as a fallback.
Please see the full list of supported fonts below:
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Bahnschrift
- Bahnschrift Condensed
- Bahnschrift Light
- Bahnschrift Light Condensed
- Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed
- Bahnschrift SemiBold
- Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed
- Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiConden
- Bahnschrift SemiCondensed
- Bahnschrift SemiLight
- Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed
- Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiConde
- Calibri
- Calibri Light
- Cambria
- Cambria Math
- Candara
- Candara Light
- Comic Sans MS
- Consolas
- Constantia
- Corbel
- Corbel Light
- Courier New
- Dotum
- DotumChe
- Ebrima
- Franklin Gothic Medium
- Gabriola
- Gadugi
- Georgia
- Gulim
- GulimChe
- Impact
- Ink Free
- Javanese Text
- Leelawadee UI
- Leelawadee UI Semilight
- Lucida Console
- Lucida Sans Unicode
- Malgun Gothic
- Malgun Gothic Semilight
- Marlett
- Microsoft Himalaya
- Microsoft JhengHei
- Microsoft JhengHei Light
- Microsoft JhengHei UI
- Microsoft JhengHei UI Light
- Microsoft New Tai Lue
- Microsoft PhagsPa
- Microsoft Sans Serif
- Microsoft Tai Le
- Microsoft YaHei
- Microsoft YaHei Light
- Microsoft YaHei UI
- Microsoft YaHei UI Light
- Microsoft Yi Baiti
- MingLiU
- MingLiU-ExtB
- MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB
- Mongolian Baiti
- MS Gothic
- MS PGothic
- MS UI Gothic
- MV Boli
- Myanmar Text
- Nirmala UI
- Nirmala UI Semilight
- NSimSun
- Palatino Linotype
- PMingLiU
- PMingLiU-ExtB
- Segoe MDL2 Assets
- Segoe Print
- Segoe Script
- Segoe UI
- Segoe UI Black
- Segoe UI Emoji
- Segoe UI Historic
- Segoe UI Light
- Segoe UI Semibold
- Segoe UI Semilight
- Segoe UI Symbol
- SimSun
- SimSun-ExtB
- Sitka Banner
- Sitka Display
- Sitka Heading
- Sitka Small
- Sitka Subheading
- Sitka Text
- Sylfaen
- Symbol
- Tahoma
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana
- Webdings
- Wingdings
- Yu Gothic
- Yu Gothic Light
- Yu Gothic Medium
- Yu Gothic UI
- Yu Gothic UI Light
- Yu Gothic UI Semibold
- Yu Gothic UI Semilight
- Simplified Chinese: Microsoft JhengHei
- Traditional Chinese: Microsoft JhengHei
- Japanese: Meiryo
- Arabic: Aldhabi
- Thai: Angsana New
We have included an example template as well as the resultant PDF output using the fonts mentioned above in this article.
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